Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference
About Us
We bring together the top experts in international trade and commerce to promote and facilitate multilateral business, investment and local economic development.
Our Mission
Since its establishment, AfUSA has been meeting the challenge of our mission by:
Correcting the commercial misunderstandings of Africa
Recruiting small and medium-sized businesses to stimulate Africa-USA bilateral trade opportunities,
Broadening the existing trade finance infrastructure for Africa-USA international trade transactions, and
Generating federal and state interest and expenditures directly related to Africa-USA bilateral trade promotion.
Our Vision
This is the 13th Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference overall. The focus of Los Angeles County PAGTIC conference presentations and workshops will be the expansion of multilateral trade programs between Africa and the Pan African Diaspora that provide the following benefits:
Create educational and cultural exchanges between public and private educational institutions in Africa and the Pan African Diaspora.
Generate increased bilateral investment in economic development in Africa and the Pan African Diaspora where infrastructure and business development would provide needed improvements.
Create opportunities for marketing corporate and small business products and services in developing African Nations and the Pan African Diaspora.
Create businesses and jobs in Africa and the Pan African Diaspora in the leisure and business travel market.
Establish trade and commerce between businesses in the Pan African Diaspora and their counterparts in Africa.
Promote and support existing programs and institutions that promote and provide effective and fair business, educational and cultural relations between Africa & the Pan African Diaspora.